Southeastern Daughters of the American Revolution Hold Luncheon for State Project and Present Medal of Honor to Greg Montanaro
Southeastern Daughters of the American Revolution Hold Luncheon for State Project and Present Medal of Honor to Greg Montanaro
The Daughters of the American Revolution celebrated and had a luncheon to support the DAR State Project of the restoration of the the Old Swedes Cemetery in Chester, PA at Aronimink Golf and Country. Club. The organization also used this opportunity to honor their State Medal of Honor Winner Greg Montanaro. The luncheon involved nine DAR chapters from the Southeast: Chester County, Delaware County, Flag House, Great Valley, Independence Hall, Jeptha Abbott, Lansdowne, Philadelphia, and Robert Morris Quaker City, Jeptha Abbott of the Mainline was the hosting chapter. Every three years, this luncheon takes place to honor the State Regent and her State Project. Marguerite Fritsch, the State Regent gave a presentation of the progress of the State Project. The Old Swedes Cemetery is final resting place of Declaration Signer John Morton and eleven other Revolutionary soldiers. This three year project has truly been a labor of love for Fritsch as has devoted decades of devotion to the site. As State Regent, the labor is at even a higher level involving raising money, hiring contractors, and having days where members from all over the State come and get their hands dirty digging up sunken headstones, painting fences, and endless weeding and trash removal. This project will conclude this May with the installation of an American 250! Marker. The text of the 30’ by 30’ bronze marker reads: Revolutionary War Patriots This marker commemorates the men and women who achieved American independence. These Patriots, believing in the noble cause of liberty, fought valiantly to found a new nation. 1775 – 1783 Presented by Pennsylvania State Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Daughters of the American Revolution in honor of the 250th anniversary of the United States
1. Colleen McCauley, Marianne Cunningham, State Chair, DAR Medal of Honor, Marguerite Fritsch, State Regent, PSSDAR and Teri Fischer, Regent, Jeptha Abbott Chapter paused for a photo with DAR Medal of Honor recipient Gregory Montanero (center)
2. Lory Fraraccio-Kenney, Southeastern District Director, PSSDAR, Teri Fischer, Regent, Jeptha Abbott Chapter and Marguerite Fritsch, State Regent, PSSDAR
3. Chair of the Americanism Committee, Colleen McCauley, Carolyn Hoyle, Pat Thomas, Michelle Bradley and Cynthia Pritchard, National Chair, Women’s Issues NSDAR were pictured at the luncheon
4. Beverly Quinn, Morgan H. Lanza and Michele Thackrah
6. Teri Fischer, Heather Condello, Liza Whelan, Colleen McCauley, Virginia Funk, Julia Forbes, Michele Bradley, Cynthia Pritchard and Virginia Gresh
7. Bobbi McMullen, Former Vice President General NSDAR and Honorary State Regent, PSSDAR Virginia Funk, Susan Hodge and Colleen McCauley
8. Colleen McCauley and Joyce Keller